
Monday 26 May 2014

Bias Paragrahs

Bias can change the way we think of stuff.There are 2 types of bias they are subjective and objective.. objective means you don’t.Subjective means when your opinion is influenced by the past. The three little pigs, the wolf blew down 2 houses and killed 2 of the pigs. He was trying to kill the third but the third one was too smart and not lazy.

Monday 12 May 2014


This is my Xtra maths result I have 7 wrong and the rest right I need to keep on practising.

Number Stumpers

 This is what I have learnt we had to show how we worked out the answer.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Three Little Pig Summary

This is what I learnt I have learnt to write a summary using 25 letters we had to write a short sentence about  the three little Pig .

Three pigs set off and built their own house the hungry wolf blew 2 houses down  the wolf then went down the chimney into boiling water.

The wolf had a terrible cold and ran out of sugar he went to his neighbours house his nose started to itch and blew the house down.